Give in Celebration: Irish Charity Wedding Favours

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In the spirit of giving back, why not consider charity wedding favors instead of traditional treats like sugared almonds or scented candles? These gestures can sometimes end up collecting dust in cupboards after the big day. On the other hand, choosing to donate to a cause that resonates with you or your loved ones is a meaningful way to make an impact.

Many charities offer customized wedding favors, providing acknowledgement cards for your guests to know that a donation has been made in their name. This thoughtful approach shows your appreciation and supports worthy causes, leaving a lasting impression on your loved ones and the community. For instance, there are numerous organizations in Ireland and abroad doing remarkable work, making it easy to find a cause that aligns with your values.

Irish Cancer Charities

Irish Cancer Charities

The impact of cancer is deeply felt by individuals and families across the globe. In recognition of this, we’re proud to partner with organizations dedicated to making a difference in the lives of those affected. The Irish Cancer Society, Marie Keating Foundation, Breakthrough Cancer Research, and Cancer Fund For Children are all recipients of donations that will go towards providing vital services, information, and support.

A donation to each organization comes with unique favour options, such as gold wedding favour cards from the Irish Cancer Society, personalised Thank You Wedding Cards from the Marie Keating Foundation, individual place cards from Breakthrough Cancer Research, or lapel pins and cards from the Cancer Fund For Children. Visit cancer. ie, mariekeating. ie, breakthroughcancerresearch. ie, and cancerfundforchildren. com to learn more about these organizations and how you can make a difference.

Irish Medical Charities

Irish Medical Charities

When planning a wedding in Ireland, it’s wonderful to incorporate charitable elements into the celebration. Here are some fantastic organizations you can partner with: The Irish Heart Foundation, MS Ireland, Cystic Fibrosis Ireland, The Alzheimer Society of Ireland, and RNLI. The Irish Heart Foundation is a national charity that fights heart disease and strokes in Ireland. You can make a donation to receive special place cards for your guests.

While the average donation tends to be around €2 to €3 per guest, any amount is appreciated. Visit irishheart. ie to learn more. MS Ireland offers decorative cards for each guest at €2, with donations going towards informing, supporting, and caring for the MS community in Ireland. Check out ms-society. ie for more information. Cystic Fibrosis Ireland allows you to make a donation of your choice, receiving cards to place at your guests’ table setting in return.

By donating in lieu of wedding favours, you’re helping to improve treatment and facilities for people with Cystic Fibrosis in Ireland. Visit cfireland. ie for more details. The Alzheimer Society of Ireland offers favour cards featuring the society’s purple forget-me-not flower, available for €2 each. Your donation will support a range of services for those with Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia, their families, and carers. Learn more at alzheimer. ie.

Lastly, RNLI has an online store filled with unique gifts you can buy as favours for your guests or wedding party, such as candles, fudge, or Christmas decorations. Visit shop. rnli. org to explore the options. Additionally, Focus Ireland Favour Cards are another wonderful way to give back during your special day.

Charities Working with Homelessness, Loneliness and Poverty in Ireland

Charities Working with Homelessness, Loneliness and Poverty in Ireland

Focus Ireland works tirelessly to help tens of thousands of people each year who are homeless or at risk of homelessness in Ireland. In lieu of traditional wedding favors, couples can opt for personalized tent cards and notices that highlight their charitable donation. This thoughtful gesture not only supports a great cause but also sets the tone for a meaningful celebration.

Similarly, ALONE dedicates itself to supporting vulnerable older adults by providing befriending services, crisis support, and housing. By making a donation in lieu of favors, couples can make a tangible difference in these individuals’ lives. Additionally, a contribution to the Society of Saint Vincent de Paul will provide essential support to those in need within your community. In return, you’ll receive personalized acknowledgement cards for each guest.

Merchants Quay Ireland is another organization that offers frontline services and practical supports to individuals struggling with homelessness and addiction. By choosing to support this worthy cause, couples can help people get the support they need to turn their lives around. The organization even offers wedding favor cards for guests. With these options, couples can combine their special day with a charitable endeavor that resonates deeply.

Humanitarian Aid Charities

Humanitarian Aid Charities

At weddings, it’s a wonderful opportunity to give back and make a positive impact. There are several organisations that offer unique and meaningful favour options for your guests. One such organisation is Bóthar, which uses the most appropriate farm animal for the environment, climate and culture of recipient families. You can support their efforts by making a donation in exchange for customised place name cards.

Another option is Médecins Sans Frontières (Doctors Without Borders), an international medical aid organisation that provides critical care to those affected by crises worldwide. They offer special donation cards that your guests can take home as a reminder of your thoughtfulness. By supporting MSF, you’ll be contributing to their life-saving work in over 65 countries. The White Helmets are another incredible group that deserves recognition.

This courageous organisation works on the front lines in Syria, providing vital aid and assistance during times of crisis. Any donation, no matter how small, will go towards their tireless efforts. Your guests can learn more about The White Helmets’ mission and how they can help at whitehelmets. org/en. Help Refugees offers a unique approach to wedding favours by allowing your guests to choose items that will be used to support those in need. From hot meals to warm clothing, every item counts.

You can visit their Choose Love Store at choose. love to learn more about this innovative concept. Lastly, Trócaire is an Irish Catholic agency for world development that offers individual place cards as a favour option for your guests. These cards will inform them of the good work you’re doing on their behalf. Visit trocaire. org to learn more about their efforts. And if you’re passionate about animals, consider partnering with Dogs Trust, which offers customised favour cards for each guest.

Animal Charities

Animal Charities
Animal Charities

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Animal Charities

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The Irish Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ISPCA) is Ireland’s largest national animal welfare charity, comprising 19 affiliated member societies. In lieu of traditional wedding favors, couples can opt for personalized place cards featuring a photo of the couple and their pet(s). A minimum donation of €150 is recommended, with all proceeds going towards supporting animal welfare initiatives. For more information, visit ispca. ie.

Dogs Trust, Ireland’s largest dog welfare charity, provides a unique alternative to traditional wedding favors. Couples can choose to make a donation in lieu of favors, which will be accompanied by personalized place cards featuring wedding details and pictures of dogs awaiting rehoming. Visit dogstrust. ie for more information. The Dublin Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (DSPCA) is another charitable option for couples.

By supporting the DSPCA, couples can produce lovely wedding favor cards at a cost of €1 each, while also making a donation of their choice to support animal welfare initiatives. Learn more about the DSPCA at dspca. ie. Irish Guide Dogs for the Blind offers an alternative to traditional wedding favors by training puppies into working partners and changing the lives of individuals with sight loss or families of children with autism. Wedding favor cards cost €1.

50 each, while items from their online shop, such as scented candles, can also be purchased. For more information, visit guidedogs. ie. Chernobyl Children International is another organization that offers unique wedding favors. By supporting the charity, couples can make a difference in the lives of children affected by the Chernobyl disaster. Find out more about their offerings at [insert URL].

Children and Family Charities

Children and Family Charities

Barnardos, LauraLynn, Make-a-Wish, Down Syndrome Ireland, and Plan International are five charitable organisations that offer alternative wedding favour options for couples looking to give back. Barnardos works tirelessly to improve the lives of thousands of children affected by poverty, neglect, or abuse in Ireland. In lieu of traditional favours, they provide tent-style place cards informing guests about your donation on their behalf.

LauraLynn offers residential care for young adults with disabilities and hospice services for children with life-limiting conditions. When you donate to LauraLynn, they’ll provide tent cards and a personalised wedding notice featuring both your names. Make-a-Wish grants the wishes of children battling life-threatening illnesses and offers place cards as an alternative favour option. For a minimum donation of €150, they’ll send two cards per table to represent a wish granted.

Down Syndrome Ireland advocates for people with Down syndrome and their families throughout Ireland, offering various supports from early intervention to education and employment opportunities. They also provide wedding favour place cards in lieu of traditional favours. Plan International is a development organisation focused on girls’ rights, working to end child marriage and provide girls hope for an education and career.

You can donate through their wedding favour programme, which starts at €50 per card. Adi Roche’s Chernobyl Children International has a unique wedding favour option – heart-shaped chocolates – with proceeds going towards their Flying Doctors Cardiac Programme in Ukraine.

Jack and Jill Children’s Foundation

The Jack and Jill Children’s Foundation offers a range of vital services to support children with severe to profound neurodevelopmental issues, including in-home nursing care, respite support for families, and end-of-life care. For every €18 donated, the charity provides one hour of nursing care, making a significant difference in the lives of these young individuals. Additionally, the foundation offers unique wedding favours – glossy, A6 tent-shaped cards that also support their mission.

To learn more about their work, visit jackandjill. ie.


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