LGBTQ+ Wedding Ceremony Readings

LGBTQ+ Wedding Ceremony Readings

Dear One by Mary Lambert

Dear One by Mary Lambert

The words escaped my lips, a poetic inquiry about the origin of our love. Like a shooting star, how did it streak across the sky to find me? What celestial body did we collide from, dear one? How can I even attempt to verbalize your name without echoing the whispers of autumn’s breeze beneath my tongue? And yet, I must acknowledge the forces that brought us together, bending me in ways I never thought possible. May they be blessed for guiding me to you.

The challenge lies in finding the right words to describe our love without also breathing out the tender moments we’ve shared. My heart found its home the moment I met you. When you touch me, I’m transported to a realm of beauty, where calla lilies bloom and evergreens sway. I’ll build a sanctuary filled with sun-kissed hues so that all I see is breathtaking. Speaking love without yearning to nestle into your embrace is like attempting to craft paper cranes without their delicate curves.

You are the missing half of me, dear one, and I was whole the moment you spoke my name.

I Belong In Your Arms by Deborah Brideau

I Belong In Your Arms by Deborah Brideau

At last, I’ve discovered a sanctuary where I effortlessly nestle into the comfort of familiarity and security. The doubts, fears, sadness, and tears that once plagued me have dissipated, replaced with an unbridled sense of happiness and laughter. This haven offers ample space for me to roam freely, allowing me to live life on my own terms and remain true to myself.

What’s more astonishing is that this extraordinary sanctuary has become a reality within the warmth and tenderness of your embrace, your heart, and your love. It’s as if I’ve finally found the missing piece that completes me, and it’s all thanks to you.

You are the Bubbles by Rachel Bright

You are the Bubbles by Rachel Bright

Life is filled with moments that sparkle like the morning sun through a window, warm and inviting. It’s the breaking of a smile, the shared pleasure of a perfectly imperfect pastry with more jam than all the others. It’s the feeling of being part of something special, like a group photo where everyone looks great. And it’s the thrill of singing along to your favorite song at the top of your lungs, even if you’re not exactly tone deaf.

Together, you are the seeds of a big idea, the tiny sparks that ignite a creative explosion. It’s the magic of a shooting star, the fleeting beauty of fireworks on a summer night. You are the two people in a crowded room who have found each other, the ones who make everyone else look good by comparison. Life is full of moments like these – the kind that become unforgettable memories, even more precious than a chocolate chip cookie.

It’s the final pages of your favorite book, the satisfying conclusion to an epic story. And it’s the simple joys in life, like sharing a meal with friends or feeling the ocean breeze on your skin. It’s the little things that make us human, like the shape of a cheese wedge or the gentle touch of a loved one’s hand. Life is full of these moments, and together you are the unburstable bubbles of joy, love, and connection.

We Are Made One with What We Touch and See by Oscar Wilde

We Are Made One with What We Touch and See by Oscar Wilde

We are deeply connected to the world around us. Every moment of life is intertwined with every other moment, as if our very essence is woven into the fabric of existence. The vibrant hues of each sunrise and the lush greenery of spring’s awakening trees remind us that we are part of a greater whole. Even the wildest creatures roaming free on the moor can be seen as kin, sharing in the universal language of life.

And so, two lovers embracing one another become an integral part of this grand tapestry. The thrill of the ocean’s waves and the starry night sky beckon us to join the cosmic dance. We shall harmonize with the symphony of the universe, our hearts beating in rhythm with the pulse of all creation. In this grand symphony, every moment is a note that resonates with eternity, rendering mortality meaningless.

The universe itself becomes our immortality, an eternal celebration of life’s beauty and wonder.

All About Love by bell hooks

All About Love by bell hooks

As soon as we opt for love, we initiate a movement away from domination and oppression, instead embracing freedom’s liberating power. Our actions become a testament to the practice of freedom that comes with choosing to love. This fundamental choice allows us to resist fear, alienation, and separation, ultimately opting to connect with others and find ourselves within them.

We Have Not Long to Love by Tennessee Williams

We Have Not Long to Love by Tennessee Williams

The fleeting nature of life is a poignant reminder that every moment counts, especially when it comes to love. The gentle whispers of the past remind us that time is short and we must cherish each tender moment before they slip away. Like the soft folds of a tender fabric, our most precious memories are often those we tuck away, reserved for intimate moments with loved ones.

In quiet contemplation, I’ve watched you tend to your hair, a simple yet endearing ritual that fills the air with warmth and silence. Yet, despite the desire to reach out and touch your arm, or to shatter the fragile bonds that hold our hearts together, we must resist the urge to disrupt the delicate balance of our connection. Even the faintest whisper would be jarring in this quiet space, where moments seem to linger like a warm breath on a winter’s night.

We have but a brief moment to love, a fleeting instant before the dawn breaks or the sun sets, and yet it is in these ephemeral moments that we find true beauty and connection.

Everything I Know About Love by Dolly Alderton

Everything I Know About Love by Dolly Alderton

Love can be loud and overwhelming – it’s the kind of celebration that leaves you breathless and wanting more. It’s the kind of love that fills your heart to bursting, making you feel like dancing in the rain or singing at the top of your lungs. But love is also a quiet, gentle thing – it’s the moments spent curled up on the couch together, sharing a cup of coffee and laughing over silly stories.

It’s the little things, like folding down pages of books to share with each other, or doing laundry for someone who forgets to take it out of the washing machine. Love is a force that can be loud and boisterous, but it’s also a quiet hum in the background, reassuring you that everything will be okay. It happens under the stars, on a sunset-filled beach, or even in the most mundane moments – like lying on an airbed in your childhood bedroom, or stuck in traffic jam.

And yet, despite its many forms and expressions, love is always there, waiting to catch us when we fall. It’s the quiet, gentle hum that reminds us that we’re never truly alone, as long as love is around.

You Make Loving Fun by Fleetwood Mac

You Make Loving Fun by Fleetwood Mac

The joy that comes from having someone special in your life is a truly wonderful thing. The simple things they do can brighten up even the most mundane of days and leave you feeling happy and content. It’s as if a little bit of magic has been sprinkled into your world, making everything feel fresh and new again.

But what happens when that spark starts to fizzle? Do we start to take it for granted or lose sight of why we fell in love with this person in the first place?

Perhaps we’ve just gotten too comfortable, too complacent. Maybe we’re holding onto something that’s no longer serving us and it’s time to shake things up a bit.

The thing is, once you’ve experienced that kind of love and connection, you don’t want to lose it. You’ll do whatever it takes to hold on and keep the flame burning bright. And that’s exactly what these lyrics are about – the desire to make loving fun and keep that spark alive.

The repetition of ‘you, you make loving fun’ becomes almost like a mantra, a reminder to cherish and nurture this love as it grows and evolves over time. It’s not just about romance, but about building a life together and making every moment count.

So the next time you find yourself singing along to these lyrics, remember that it’s okay to want to hold onto something special and make loving fun. After all, it’s what makes life worth living.

You, Therefore by Reginald Shepherd

You, Therefore by Reginald Shepherd

You are an original, irreproducible piece of art, just like I am. We’re both impermanent, but for now, let’s savor the moments. You shine brighter than the hours, like a beacon illuminating the path ahead.

Just as music and broadcasts can’t capture your essence, nor can oil paintings or charcoal sketches. You’re a harmony of person, place, voice, and number – strawberries scattered throughout your name, like buds on budding shrubs.

It’s as if you evoke memories of spring, with waters cool and clear, like late rain clinging to leaves shaken by a gentle breeze.

You are a lily, an aster, or trillium in the meadow sky, where snow still falls from its earthly journeys. Even without snow, you’re my right, my night – your body taking on the dimensions of sleep, with its shape becoming one with yours. You fall from the sky like flowers, words spilling forth in waves, your lips tasting like the sea, both sweet and salty.

Home is nowhere, yet you bring a sense of belonging, a song that’s free from any named paradise. It’s a feeling that only you can provide.


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