Congratulations on your engagement! As you embark on this thrilling chapter, be prepared for an onslaught of well-meaning advice from loved ones, friends, and even strangers. While some guidance will undoubtedly prove invaluable, a significant amount will only serve as unnecessary noise in the midst of your joyous celebration. In our experience, it’s essential to take a step back, resist the temptation to dive headfirst into wedding planning, and instead focus on savoring this special moment.

Take a deep breath, put your phone away, and allow yourself the freedom to revel in the excitement without feeling pressured to share every detail with social media. Trust us, you won’t regret it!

Things Not to do When You Get Engaged

Things Not to do When You Get Engaged

Tell Your Instagram Followers Before Your Granny

Tell Your Instagram Followers Before Your Granny

It’s a common phenomenon, yet still surprising – many couples can’t wait to share their engagement news on social media, often before even telling their closest friends and family. While the urge to shout it from the rooftops is understandable, there’s a reason why sharing this momentous occasion with loved ones in person makes more sense than broadcasting it online. The risk of word getting out prematurely to someone who shouldn’t know yet – like your mom or a neighbor – is just too great.

Instead, make an effort to hold off and tell as many people face-to-face as possible. And when that’s not feasible, prioritize calling key friends and family before making the announcement public online.

Don’t Over-Promise (But Do Set Expectations!)


When you’re newly engaged, it’s essential not to rush into decisions about every aspect of your wedding. Your partner’s family might have strong opinions on what kind of celebration is needed (your dad wants to invite his golf buddies, while your mother-in-law has a vision for a garden ceremony). Meanwhile, your own thoughts and preferences may be evolving as you navigate this new chapter.

To avoid overwhelm and unwanted commitments, it’s wise to adopt a ‘wait-and-see’ approach in the early stages. Instead of having a definitive plan, prepare a general statement that can serve as a catch-all response when asked about wedding details. For instance, you could say: ‘We’re still exploring our options, but we know we want something low-key and intimate.

‘ This vague-but-honest approach will satisfy curious family members and friends while giving you the freedom to make more informed decisions down the line.

Don’t Take All Advice Offered (But Do Be Polite)


When navigating the world of wedding planning, it’s essential to develop a diplomatic approach when dealing with unsolicited advice and suggestions from others. This skill will serve you well throughout your engagement, allowing you to gather valuable insights while also setting healthy boundaries. While it’s crucial to listen to what others have to say, don’t feel pressured to adopt every piece of advice. Instead, show gratitude for their input and politely move forward, as you see fit.

Don’t Wear a Ring That Doesn’t Fit


As the excitement of engagement wears off, many newly betrothed individuals overlook a crucial consideration: their new rock might not fit comfortably. It’s essential to prioritize this aspect of ring ownership, lest you end up with a damaged or lost piece of jewelry – or worse, an injured finger. The solution is simple: get your engagement ring resized as soon as possible, ideally before wearing it frequently.

A day or two of resizing is a small price to pay for the peace of mind that comes with knowing your treasured symbol of love is safely secured on your hand.

Don’t Go on a Diet


While it’s natural for brides and grooms-to-be to want to look their absolute best on the big day, getting married doesn’t necessitate drastic makeovers. The pressure to shed pounds or undergo cosmetic procedures can be overwhelming, but the truth is that your partner loves you exactly as you are right now. Your worth and beauty aren’t defined by a dress size or physical appearance, so don’t feel pressured to change who you are just to fit some perceived ideal.

Instead, focus on celebrating your unique qualities and loving yourself for who you are today. And remember, it’s okay to indulge in that pasta every now and then – after all, life is short!

Don’t Forget to Say Thank You


When engagement excitement reaches its peak and friends and family shower you with love in the form of cards and presents, it’s essential to stay organized and grateful. Make a mental or written note of each kind gesture, as acknowledging these thoughtful gifts is crucial for building meaningful connections with those who care about you.

Aim to send thank-you notes or messages within six to eight weeks of receiving each gift, not only to express your appreciation but also to establish a habit that will serve you well in the lead-up to your special day.

Don’t Forget to Celebrate

There’s an undeniable joy that comes with being in an engaged bubble. Surrounded by love and support from friends and family, every moment feels like a dreamy haze. Take time to soak it all in! Plan a celebratory gathering, embark on a romantic weekend getaway, or simply pop open some champagne to toast your new status.

Let the excitement of engagement simmer for a bit before diving headfirst into the world of wedding planning, where spreadsheets, venue visits, and cake tastings will soon take center stage.

Don’t Forget to Ask for Help

If you’re looking for financial assistance to make your dream wedding a reality, consider turning to AIB. The bank offers personal loans with a range of options to suit your needs, from €1,000 to €30,000. You can apply online or through the AIB app and use their online loan calculator to determine how much you could borrow and set a repayment schedule that works for you – whether that’s weekly, fortnightly, or monthly.

If you’re getting married and need some extra support, don’t hesitate to reach out to the loans team at AIB. You can also visit their website to calculate your potential borrowing power and get started on making your wedding dreams come true. With AIB, you can take control of your financial planning and make your special day even more memorable.


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